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A stylized, geometric illustration of a bird with a red body and a dark blue outline, set against a dark, textured background. The bird's eye is a bold, concentric circle pattern with a red center, cream-colored ring, and dark outline, giving it a striking and abstract appearance. The beak is sharp and pointed, while the head features a curved crest-like extension. The artwork has a halftone texture, reminiscent of vintage prints or comic book-style shading


/ˌbudkaˈloːn/ (exclamation, noun)

"A greeting (salutation) said when meeting someone. LIT: To be embraced"


These are the comics I’ve been creating since 2020. I’m still working on translations, but not every comic will be translated, as some stories are deeply tied to the language they were originally written in.

A-Cross (2024)

"What's inside a cross? Inside a cross lies legend!"
Millions have tried reaching the galaxy’s core, none have succeeded. But Pathos, Sisil, and Gaston won’t quit!

Tagalumpuk (2022)

"Among the depths of the night sky, why chase after a single fading star?"
Even three timelines can’t mend Roni’s rejection—he’s already sunk too deep.

Bartulot (2020)

"This is bartulot-EF3, your best House Cleaning Robot!"
Fast-charging and easy to set, it can clean your house for eternity, forever, more than you could imagine. Get it fast!


A collection of illustrations and fan art I’ve created over time. Some are part of my personal projects, some were just for fun, and others were made as commission samples. I’ve also made some illustrations for my comics and worldbuilding projects.


Fantasy worldbuilding is actually my main passion. My projects cover everything from maps and magic systems to cultures, languages, and even speculative biology. I love building worlds that feel rich and lived-in. I also enjoy creating stories and characters that fit into these worlds.


This section features standalone worldbuilding pieces that focus on a single aspect, such as a sketchlang, a small lore fragment, a doodle-based concept, or an individual showcase from a larger project that doesn’t fit neatly into its main category.

The Language of Pakung

The ancient language of trees, headhunting, and tattoo. The song of the sacreed leave when the ancestor of the world had just divided.


The Language of Katya'u

The whisper of old trees, when the moon still had her twins, when the great circle of the earth hadn't yet danced.


Shandora Ruin Poneglyph

Hold the truth in your heart, keep your mouth silent. We are the weaver of history with the reverberation of the Grand Bell ....

#fanlang #one piece

Roger's Word Poneglyph

I hereby guide this historical text to its final destination. Pirate, Gol D. Roger

#fanlang #one piece

The Map of Banua

The place of The Three Children of the Pakung Tree: Sidusakakay, Sidusataduk, and Sidusalayap. This is a world of countless poems, a realm of mantras and sacred songs.
